The changes in my life and lifestyle over the past couple of years have been nothing shy of remarkable. I have more confidence and just feel much better about myself. Its not just because I am thinner than I was a couple of years ago, its also the fact that I am much healthier. I would like to share with you the diet that has helped me loose 50 pounds. This diet has allowed me to loose weight in a good and healthy manner. Some people have been a little critical and say I am not eating right or enough, but the truth is I still eat the same amount I ate before because the real difference is changing the things I eat.
Before I go into details I have to mention that before this diet, nothing was getting done. I was already training to run a marathon before all this kicked in. I was well aware that to run 26.2 miles that I was going to have to slim down. I thought I could pull this off by just running since I was running 25 miles a week. However that was not true. changing my eating habbits was also essential in living a healthy lifestyle. It takes a good combination of excersise and dieting.
1. Meat is essential in a good diet and is the best source of protien that you can find. Some say that meat is not good for you and avoid it but that is a complete myth. No other source of protien can match the amount that meat gives you. Fish is the best meat you can eat and I would try to eat it at least twice a week. Chicken is a close second to fish. Beef and Pork are also good, but not near as good as Fish or Chicken. Also when eating meat, try to avoid frying it as much as possible.
2. Another great source of Protien is Nuts. Nuts are the best thing you can snack on. Almonds are by the far the best source of Nuts. Peanuts, Cashews, and others are great too. Nuts are a much better snack than candy or potato chips.
3. Beans are another great source of protien and highly recommended.
1. We have always had it shoved down our throats that Veggies are good for us. Well its not a joke. Eating plenty of Green Vegetables is essential to a hgealthy diet. It has been proven that Green Vegetables are a better source of calcium than milk. Green Beans, Broccoli, Peas, and Asperagus are some of the many Green Veggies you should eat on a daily basis.
2. Other Vegetables that I recommend are Carrots, Corn, and Beans.
3. When it comes to potatoes I recommend Sweet potatoes over regular potatoes. Sweet Potatoes are a much better source of carbs and more nutritious as a whole.
4. Advacados are an excellent source of fat that your body needs.
1. Fruit is a great source of vitamins. The only sugar your body really needs comes from fruits because it is natural and not refined. The best fruit you can eat are Blue Berries. They are a great source of anti-oxidants and have less sugar than other fruits. For people who are very active Bannanas are essential when it comes to energy and potassium. Fruit is an all around great substitute for candy. When craving sweets, grab you some fruit instead of things that are loaded with refined sugar.
1. Bread is something you should watch constatly. Wheat Bread is always better than White Bread. White Bread is pure sugar as it enters your body. If you are not physically active I recomend staying away from all types of bread.
Drinks are probably the most crucial part of your diet when it comes to things to avoid.
1. Drink Water! Water is the most important element your body needs. Especially if engaging in physical activity. going out to eat and ordering water as opposed to sweet drinks has been a major turning point for me. Water is something your body just plain needs.
2. Aviod all sweet Drinks. Soda and Sweet Tea are the absolute worst things you can drink. they are basically nothing but liquid candy.
3. No Diet Drinks! Diet Drinks are actually worse for your body than real soda. Your body gets fooled and processes it just like sugar. It actually causes your body to go crazy with all the chemicals it uses in the place of sugar. The idea that diet drinks are a better alternative to soda is a pure myth.
4. What are some good substitutes for all the sugared drinks. Unsweet Tea is much better than Sweet Tea and you can sweeten it with Stevia (all natuarl sweetner). Also Coffee and Hot Tea are also great alternatives. Another very nutritious drink is Green Tea, which provides anti-oxidants and vitamins.
1. You may think alcohol is not a good alternative, but it actually is. drinking a beer or a glass of wine is much more healthy than soda. Beer is an excellent source of good carbohydrates and it also contains protien. some studies have proven that One Beer a day is as good as one glass of red wine. Of course a little wine is very good for your heart. For you runners out there make sure you dont drink any alcohol 24 hours before a race since it can dehydrate you.
*The bible never says that drinking alcohol is wrong, it says that drunkeness is a sin. I have to say this since this is a faith based site. Many people say its wrong to drink alcohol but the scriptures do not say that. With that being said I do believe anyone who reads this needs to know that drinking to much is wrong and can cause harm. I also believe you should obey the laws of our country and not drink unless you are 21 years of age. Finally, if you are someone who feels you may abuse alcohol or develope a problem if you drink it, please be wise and abstain.
This is the Diet that has helped me loose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ever since I have stuck to this I have experienced changes that I thought were impossible. I hope it can help you too.
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