About Me

Football Player Turned Marathon Runner 

My name is Jon David Scott. Born in the mountains of Tennessee, I am now 25 years old and a graduate of East Tennessee State University. I am married and love spending time with my wife. I have been around sports my entire life. I played football growing up and started Fullback at Science Hill High School. I root for the Tennessee Volunteers in all colloge sports. When it comes to professional sports I root for New York City. I am a fan of the Yankees, Giants, Rangers, and yes the Knicks. The Yankees were the first New York team I rooted for when I was in Middle School. I have always liked the Rangers even though I did not follow Hockey for awhile. then I decided to root for the Giants and the Knicks. I enjoy other things in life too. I love history (which is what i got my degree in) and i love listening to U2.

My Influences

Shaunah Scott: My Beautiful wife has most of all given me love and support, but she has also helped me with my diet. She is the best by far.

David Scott (Dad): Dad loves running a lot. He has run many races including the Boston Marathon twice. He loves to come to races and give me tips. In one race I saw him at five different locations around the track.

Nat Scott: My brother is the one who challenged me to this. He started running distance way before me. He ran the Memphis Marathon in December of 2010. He shares tips with me and encourages me.

Sarah Werre: My future Sister-In-Law has been very encouraging and ran the Knoxville Marathon in April of 2011.

Samuel Scott: Sam will be going to Florida with us to support. He is a very encouraging brother. Also check out his sports blog www.theineligiblereciever.com.

Cindy Scott: Awesome supporter like a Mom is supposed to be.

Daniel McIntosh: Daniel has encouraged me and we trained together and ran the Blue Grass Half Marathon together. He was my Best Man.

Michael Adkins: My awesome Father-In-Law has come to some of my Races.

Rhonda Adkins: Amazing Encouraging Mother-In-Law.